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In the beginning…

and still to this day the DJ is drawn to the traditional DJ set up (2 turntables and a mixer).

However since the introduction of the QFO, scratch DJs have dreamed having one for their own. The thought of being able to go scratch without lugging so much gear was so enticing. The two in one combo of the QFO made sense just to put a fader inside of a turntable. The problem was that it was expensive, hard to get your hands on and that you’re still plugged to the wall. 

Portable turntables have been around for quite some time. Only used for listening and brought with when digging in a record store. Most portable record players are light, fragile, and often difficult to scratch on due to it’s mechanical build.

Not too far along, DJ focussed companies such as Vestax and Numark produced portable turntables that are semi durable, able to withstand the abuse and requirements of a scratch DJ.

Although scratch DJs left the Handytrax and PT-01 as listening devices until the appearance of the portable fader. Not only until then scratch DJs started to recognize what freedom actually felt like. 

Portability – ignite inspiration whenever and wherever. Share turntablism culture with people that wouldn’t regularly experience and help grow the culture. 

Our focus…

Since the start we have been very active on sharing our ideas and experiences on bringing this portable scratch culture further. From DIY tips to portable lifestyle campaigns and portable turntable events, Portablist / Skratcher has been one of the tastemakers in the forefront for growing this industry. Reviewing portable related products and sharing the latest gear to for your portable arsenal. 

We have dedicated a large portion of our focus to make sure that the portable scene can and will be used as a launching ground for future and existing scratch DJs.

Social Media has played a big hand in uniting scratch Djs globally but also help share ideas and techniques within a thriving scene. Like minded tablists are able come together collaborate like never before.
